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Papo's Hermit Crab is a crustacean found on the European Atlantic coasts. Its soft body needs to be protected from predators hence the need for a mollusc shell adapted to its size on its back. It moves with its five pairs of legs, the first of which has two claws. However, he is far from being a hermit because he likes community life and eats everything he finds.

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The robin is a passerine species. It looks like a small plump bird with relatively short wings reaching painfully to the middle of its tail

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The Papo magpie is a rather large bird and is easily recognizable thanks to its white and black plumage and its characteristic long tail. It has been said to be talkative because of its cry, bold because it approaches dwellings and remains on the ground to feed while being wary ready to fly away at the slightest noise. Thanks to its thick and powerful beak, it searches the ground to find its small prey.

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The Papo chickadee, also called the great tit, is the most common and largest of the Eurasian tits. She is easily identifiable thanks to her yellow belly, her cap and her black tie. Its short and robust beak allows it to catch insects such as caterpillars or aphids that are sometimes harmful in orchards, which makes it an excellent friend for the gardener.